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Christine Goritchan

A Brief History of Spiritualism

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

The phenomenon of spirit communication is as old as humanity itself. All native societies throughout the world have this understanding as an integral part of their cultures.

Significant events including the experience of Emmanuel Swedenborg, the Swedish Scientist, mystic and author who died in 1772.

His major work “Heaven and Hell” was and still is, an extraordinary change in viewpoint from other orthodox religions. The work of Philosopher Thomas Paine (The Age of Reason) also created a great impact on European society in the late 1700’s.

Many experiences occurred world-wide in the nineteenth century, but with the psychic phenomena experienced by the two young Fox sisters in their family home in Hydesville, New York in 1848, spiritualism was brought into public awareness.

During the late 1800’s there was a massive upsurge in public interest in spirit communication all over the world.

Many mediums emerged to provide astonishing evidence that our ‘deceased’ loved ones do indeed live on and can communicate with us.

Some classical literature also emerged during this period such as “Spirit Teachings” by Stainton Moses and “The Spirit Books” by Alan Kardec.

During the First World War, so many young lives were lost that people sought the comfort of communication with their departed loved ones, and so Spiritualism continued to flourish.

In the mid-20th century great teachings from spirit teachers like Silver Birch (medium Maurice Barbanell) and White Eagle (medium Grace Cook) continued the flow of spiritual truth.

Wonderful healing work was done by many dedicated healers from all over the world.

Today, throughout the world there are many Spiritualist Churches, groups and centres expanding the knowledge, understanding and practices of Spiritualism around the globe, as we link together all aspiring to live within the seven Principles of Spiritualism and “Spiritual Truth”.

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